Finding an erectile dysfunction cure is a very tiring, lengthy, and depressing process. There is no one cure that works for all. The cause of your ED may have a psychological or physical origin and both have different treatment approaches.
It’s very important to identify your ED type and work accordingly. One needs proper guidance to find a correct ED resolver else he will end up losing money in the hand of swindlers called sex doctors or sexologists. You should be very cautious before going to any such doctor who charges a high fee.
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Treatment of ED depends on many factors like age, type of ED, medical condition, etc so you should not follow any treatment blindly but think wisely before choosing your treatment option.
For 3 years, I was looking for a true, permanent, and long-lasting erectile dysfunction cure. All the Doctors call using Viagra and Cialis as erectile dysfunction cures but are they really a cure or a temporary solution.
Here I will assist you in moving toward the right direction by sharing my impotence struggle journey
The beginning of ED –

I was only in my mid-20s when I was first diagnosed with Erectile dysfunction (ED). Just like most men in their mid-20s, I was also living a good, healthy, and relaxed life.
I had handsome paying job, good friend circle and enjoying every time of my life. If you are young and have money, you have the best time to enjoy life by being spendthrift.
However, things soon changed when I got to know that I have ED. I was heartbroken, upset, agitated, and couldn’t believe my hard luck that this could happen to me especially when I was young and living a healthy life.
I wondered and spent days and days thinking about it. But a problem can’t be solved unless you find ways to come over it.
And that’s when I realized that rather than feeling depressed, I need to find a true and long-lasting erectile dysfunction cure.
That’s the only way I can get over this phase of my life.
I can’t let my manhood simply be snatched from me just because I have ED. I needed to find a permanent erectile dysfunction cure, and I was adamant about finding one.
So, this is all about my journey of finding the erectile dysfunction cure by experimenting with various ED treatments.
What should I do for my ED?:-

In my 3 years of ED struggle, I visited near to 27 doctors all over India. Visited doctors of all kinds including allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathy, Unani, hypnotherapy, energy therapy, reiki, etc.
Spent nearly close to 8.5 lakhs in 3 years to get a permanent solution of ED but all in vain. Some treatments worked wonderfully and some didn’t.
Problem is that all the treatment focuses on giving you a hard erection and not solving the underlying causes that are causing ed. I was adamant to find the real cause of my ED and had all sorts of tests for ED to find the cause but everything came normal
Only thing helped me during 3 years of the ordeal was viagra, tadalafil, and ayurvedic viagra. They helped me to get a proper hard erection whenever required but with time they stopped responding. It seems my body built resistance to these medications and now it stopped working.
This was alarming time for me to explore other treatments options rather than relying on medication.
All the doctors told me that I have psychogenic disorder and should take treatment from psychiatrist. This was bullshit and I knew something is wrong with my tool. My brain was working perfectly.
The Best erectile dysfunction Cure I Found:-

What I understood by my experience and research is that our erection gets affected by many factors like hormones, penile blood vessels etc. And when these factors go haywire, then the same thing starts affecting your erection negatively.
Apart from proper hormonal function in the body, one needs to take care of their sleep, keep stress under control, exercise daily, and eat healthy food.
It was a long journey to find a permanent treatment for ED. I left no stone unturned and tried all the treatments I can afford and available including shockwave therapy and electrical stimulation.
What I learned was these medicines and treatments give temporary relief by suppressing the symptoms but couldn’t solve it completely.
For instance, sildenafil and tadalafil just help you to get a firm erection by expanding the penile arteries but once the effect of medicine fades away, the symptom returns back.
Being young, I didn’t want to align to these medications for life long and started looking for permanent solution.
I already know that people who have high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes; may suffer from ED.
What surprised me most is that generally, it affects people who are 40 years and older, but young people like me aren’t left behind, even though the number of people affected by ED in their mid-20s is quite high and mostly under-reported.
So, after spending months finding the best erectile dysfunction cure, I came across stem cell therapy. I studied that stem cell therapy offers promising results to restore sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction.
The therapy involves injecting the patient’s own stem cells, that is derived from abdominal fat and bone marrow. It is then injected into the erectile tissue of the penis.
I had my stem cell therapy in 2018 and since then my erection quality has improved like in a teenager.
My Journey To Find The Best Stem Cell Therapy Clinics

I broke the internet in search of the best stem cell therapy clinics in India.
People all around the world feel extreme embarrassment talking about their sexual health problems, especially when it comes to ED and premature ejaculation.
I found a few stem cell clinics and started calling and visiting them. After an exhaustive search of two months and shortlisting a genuine clinic, I finally decided to go for therapy in search of a permanent erectile dysfunction cure.
It was not an easy journey for me, but I was determined to get over it. I had my therapy in 2018, and my expert said that effects will be visible in three months and total recovery is expected in six months.
I saw major changes in my erection quality within 2.5 months, but they weren’t overnight changes. Gradually erection started getting better.
The treatment continued to deliver good results. With every passing day, my erection got stronger and stronger. And within six months, my erection is back to the normal-like young days.
But you know what kept me going? My hope! I believed in myself that I would find an ultimate erectile dysfunction cure, and with my continuous effort finally, I did that.
I was patient to see the results, and that’s what you should do too if you want to see outcomes.
Why I Am Here To Help You!

I had a choice to stay hidden and lead a happy life or to come forward and save other lives too by sharing my experiences
I chose the second option because I know this is the worst disease for any man.
Thinking about my ED days still sends shivers down my spine.
If you are facing similar issues I had, don’t lose hope. There’s always a light in the dark tunnel.
Share your problem with me either through call or WhatsApp, and trust me; it will be shared only with me.
I can guide and educate you to fix your ED by showing the correct path for treatment and its free

Hi, I’m Abhay Singh. The creator of this blog edbyebye and howtocuremyed.
I suffered from erectile dysfunction in my mid-20s. I could not believe my misery and bad luck.
EDbyebye reflects my experiences and knowledge I acquired during my suffering period. It explains how I tried various remedies and treatments and how I finally found a permanent solution.
EDbyebye is my way of sharing my experiences and guiding you to find your treatment.
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