From erectile dysfunction issues to increase sexual stamina, numerous individuals are discontent with their sexual life. Nowadays people constantly search to treat low sex drive and ED.
A 2017 review by the advising association Relate found that a third (34%) of UK adults are happy with their sexual lives.
Next 32% have encountered a sexual issue. Erectile dysfunction (ED) stays a major issue in all, with research revealing that more than 322 million men are expected to experience ED by 2025.
So, what we can do to solve ED??
You already know the conventional treatments of erectile dysfunction. Like using pills, vacuum pumps, etc which I am not going to narrate again.
Now some apps can help you deal with sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and low libido and help you increase sexual stamina.
There is mushrooming of apps in the health and fitness area but sexual wellness is still untouched. Despite so many people suffering in solace, they don’t get out of their comfort zone and seek treatment. Therefore, a rising number of start-ups are looking to change this.
Personally, I have tried some apps and it looks promising. I advise you to install and check it by yourself.
Below is the list of some apps:-
1. Lover: Freemium app to increase sexual stamina & solve psychological ED

The main theme of this app is to increase sexual confidence among people. People behind this app believe to provide erection confidence which treats erectile dysfunction without using viagra or any other oral medication.
This app is partially funded by the team behind tinder.
Lover app is intended to lower the tension on men to keep up their erection to have delightful sex.
Users get access to a series of videos explaining performance anxiety, with tips on how to communicate during sex, and motivational clips aiming to disrupt the idea that penises need to be erect to have good sex.
Lover’s survey found that close to 62% of people have reported better erection after three weeks program.
Lover is free but you can pay a monthly or annual subscription for additional premium content.
You can read more details about this app
My Verdict: – You may give it a try if you think you have psychological ED. It may relax you down and may solve your problem. Also, it is only for Apple IOS and not for android.
2. Blueheart: An app to help recover erectile dysfunction

British sex therapy app Blueheart, founded by an Indian Sachin Raoul.
This app established in 2019, aims to go far beyond the ‘wellness’ support offered by other platforms.
Instead, their ambition is to provide evidence-based therapy sessions to address a wide range of sexual issues often seen as taboo.
This app wants to eradicate the stigma associated with the sexual problem and wants to provide a general space for people to address their problems.
It uses audio and text-based sessions focused on areas such as building a positive relationship with your body and communication.
They say “The new way to overcome sexual issues and build healthy relationships – based on science, created by experts.”
This app is free to use. You can find more information about this sexual wellness app
My Verdict:- I tried using this app but it’s quite annoying and navigations are very cumbersome. It tries to assess bases on some question which really could not connect with me. You may give it a try
3. Ferly: An erotic audio app for women to overcome sexual issues

Another app that is creating a buzz is Ferly. It is a wonderful app that uses audio to guide women for amazing sex.
This app unites audio sensual stories, guided practices, and customized programs to assist ladies to explore pleasure more carefully and conquer sexual issues.
This is a helpful app for women to address their issues of low libido, lack of body confidence, and inability to orgasm.
As per the founder,” Many sexual issues are because there’s a physiological barrier. You can’t take a pharma approach… you have to take a holistic approach.”
Like Lover, Ferly is free but charges for premium content.
My Verdict: This is a one-stop app for women to explore and break their barriers to enjoy sex in a more pleasurable way. This is only for both apple and android.
All the above 3 apps are featured in BBC news article so I must recommend you to use
and give it a try.
Other apps that are worth considering are below
These are the apps that I have shortlisted after an exhaustive search on the play store and which I have tried personally for this blog.
Other useful apps for healthy libido and sexual stamina:

4. iDi – Erectile dysfunction: Wonderful guide to increase sexual stamina
It is an all-in-one app that guides about the current treatment available with its pros and cons.
If you are new to ED and don’t know much about the treatment option available, I recommend you to definitely try it.
It covers the topic of ED definition, mechanism, causes, and treatment options.
USP of this app is the self-assessment tool that requires you to answer some set of questions and then it provides you with an IIEF satisfaction score. Just try it out and check your satisfaction score
5. Kegel exercises by amila: Best self to do exercise to regain erection
I believe you would be knowing the wonders of pelvic floor exercise i.e kegel exercise for stronger erection
If not, you should get yourself indulge to know a deep knowledge of kegel exercise for ED.
So, we now have a wonderful app for kegel exercise too. It has easy to use UI with a timer to assist you in squeezing and releasing pelvic muscles.
It helps you to exercise 2 types of kegel exercise
- Classic Kegel: Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles for a specified number of seconds and then relax for a specified number of seconds. Repeat the same process 10 times.
- Pulses Kegel: Sqeezing and releasing pelvic muscles as fast as you can during the provided number of seconds.
USP of this app is this has lifetime statistics of your exercise and it has different levels of difficulty as well for you to get mastery in kegel exercise.
Similar kind of experiences you may get in Kegel Trainer – Exercise app
6. Increase your Testosterone: Improve sex life with testosterone
Testosterone is an important male hormone. Most men have more than enough testosterone but, it’s also possible for the body to produce too little testosterone.
Improving the testosterone level increases sexual stamina too so it is important for you to be healthy and have all the important ingredients to have enough testosterone hormone in the body.
This app will take you on to tour where it teaches you about testosterone facts, effects of testosterone, various effects of testosterone on the body, foods to boost testosterone.
It also has captivating videos to help you increase sexual stamina and boost libido.
Similar features you can find here in boost testosterone naturally app

These apps can be helpful for people who struggle sexually and want knowledge stuff resources to treat themselves.
If you have been suffering from sexual issues for a long time, you must install it and apply yourself to see progress.
I believe, these apps may be helpful for people who struggle with emotional issues like performance anxiety. These may also help you to improve your overall health and address your physical reason for ED indirectly which is causing your ED.
Many people are not comfortable seeking help from doctors and ‘ experienced people’. Therefore a service that is ‘impersonal’, can for many people be useful.
Thus, These apps help increase sexual stamina and improve sex life altogether.
Personally speaking, I have tried some apps and really liked them. So, if you are struggling, why not give it a try and see the progress yourself. No harm in that.
I have seen many people confused for many years about their erectile dysfunction type i.e psychological or physical ED. These apps may help you to clear your doubt.
Edbyebye is also aiming to help you with ED and libido problems. It’s just done in the form of a website instead of an app.
If you are keen to try to cure your ED and libido problems and want a free guide, you should check my erectile dysfunction success story.
Also, check my blog to know about best erectile dysfunction treatment method
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Hi, I’m Abhay Singh. The creator of this blog edbyebye and howtocuremyed.
I suffered from erectile dysfunction in my mid-20s. I could not believe my misery and bad luck.
EDbyebye reflects my experiences and knowledge I acquired during my suffering period. It explains how I tried various remedies and treatments and how I finally found a permanent solution.
EDbyebye is my way of sharing my experiences and guiding you to find your treatment.
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